The Purpose of Snapchat

When I was thinking about what to write about in this blog post, I went directly to social media, because it is the first thing that comes to mind when I think about media. One of the biggest platforms out right now for our generation is the app called Snapchat. If you don’t know what that is, all I could tell you is that it is an app that you take pictures of yourself and send to people. It’s that simple. Why is something thins simple and short-minded having such a big impact on people’s social communication?
An answer to this is that we have been “trained” no other way. Media today has influenced us consistently throughout our lives that we have been taught that it is one of the only ways to communicate. When I was with a group of friends at a party, I met a new person named James through a friend. The first thing he asked me was “What is your snap?” Before I explain, I am not degrading Snapchat, and I can’t because I systematically rely on it myself so it would be hypocritical. But things like keeping a streak-which is literally just and number, and creating a private story are things we have pessimistically adapted to because there really is no clear purpose. I am plainly just pointing out that there are so many other ways of communication within in a society, but we abide to Snapchat 99% of the time.
This app has directly affected me because whenever I want to hang out with a friend or make new ones, it always starts with Snapchat. I will say, however, optimistically speaking that it is easier through this app, but I believe it takes away from the greater things in our lives-reality. This is not just taking pictures of yourselves back and forth, but getting a realistic point of view.
Snapchat and it’s marketing have taught society today that it is bettering our lives. This is through the appeal to necessities-we “need” our social lives. Overall, Snapchat has created a platform that repetitively revolves around a great number of lives, and this can be taken in both negative and positive ways.


  1. I've struggled with depending on snapchat for social interaction. Before high school all I did was snapchat people. I can honestly say that some of the streaks I had with people I had never met before. It was kind of sad to be honest. I had depended on snapchat so much for interaction with people that I spent more time snap chatting them then I did actually talking face to face. My obsession with streaks was also insane. I swear I would send two streaks everyday just to keep a number that had absolutely no meaning. Last year I stopped sending streaks and it helped so much with not relying on snapchat for social interaction. Now, I feel like I spend less time on snapchat and I don't have to open all of those annoying snapchats that say "kts."I totally agree with you that snapchat has become a necessity in our lives.


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