Persuade Me

In the documentary The Persuaders, four main points were given to demonstrate how advertising is involved with the media. The one that touched on me the most was called guerrilla advertising. Considering. The connotation, you can assume that this is where the media is practically ambushed by multiple ads, because they are everywhere we go. It is almost like we cannot escape these ads that are wired into our media world. I wouldn’t call guerrilla advertising dangerous , but I wouldn’t certainly consider it overwhelming.
From my own experience, guerrilla advertising has made multiple appearances throughout my life. When I had taken a family trip to Las Vegas, Nevada, you would imagine it to be a huge city with fame and fortune. When we first directly landed in our airport, there was a wall just outside the gate that was completely plastered with ads telling us to “stay here!” or “gamble there!” Then, directly after arriving at our hotel, we walked down the Strip to look for a place to eat and instead of actually finding a place, we were bombarded with people on the sidewalks handing out flyers and billboards that we as tall as a skyscraper. Though it was annoying, the ads we saw such as for a certain pizza place were stuck in our heads, and made us want to go and eat pizza. This was just one of many experiences with this type of persuasion in the media.
Guerilla advertising could range from seeing a sponsored post on your Instagram, or simple multiple posters on a wall. I will say that though persuasion such as this could be simply annoying and too pushy to some, it is effective because the repetition sticks to one’s head. The overall impact of guerrilla advertising is significant, for it is seen in some of the most famous places in the world for our society, and we don’t even realize it. Guerrilla advertising is just one of the many ways persuasion is used in the media today.
